Sunday, March 8, 2009

Concert Night part 6 - Trailer 77

The last act of the night - Trailer 77 - came on after Sons of Kirk. Another great band playing a great set.

Concert Night Part Part 5 - Sons of Kirk

I then shot a band called Sons of Kirk. My friend David is the bassist and his brother the guitarist. They played a great set.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Concert Night Part 4 - Tex

After Danny Taylor, a man by the name of "Tex" sang an original song he wrote only 2 days beforehand. I though, for such a new song, he did quite well.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Concert Nigth Part 3 - Danny Taylor

After the Talent show, i drove up to a little town called Johnstown. The venue was called 3J's and it was a great little coffee house. The first act was a guy named Danny Taylor, who described himself as just like Eminem, except for the music, the lifestyle, and anything other than being white.

Danny Taylor